Thursday, November 29, 2012

Red Hot

Grape lollipops



The numbers. They are such great helpers.

Yesterday they were awake before me and doing dishes and laundry before my lazy butt was out of bed. So awesome!

 Today? they are all still asleep.I want to start some red hot and tabasco lollipops but I can't because #2 is still in bed. She is my lollipop helper. She knows the times for the microwave. She makes sure the kettle is full and boiling for quicker cleanup.

Later today, we are going to cut up some empty pop bottles and paint them to make some penguins. Everyone is excited to do some painting :) Our plan is to fill them with some caramels and lollipops for giftmas giving.

We are trying to get the penguins done today followed by caramel and marshmallows because my mom is coming to visit this weekend and sending stuff home will be FREE! Anything to avoid the post office ;)

 Ooooo. I hear someone stretching. Maybe it's my lollipop helper...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

At 11:44

We finally finished reading Harry Potter.

Reading the books out loud to the kids again has been so amazing.

It was tough knowing that I probably wouldn't get the chance to do it again with the bigs but thankfully there is still #4 :)

Lollipop fun

Made 7 different batches yesterday and today.

Root beer
Sriracha (yup. You read that right)

A warm nephew noggin

I talked to my sister and found out that the boys fight over the hats that I've made for L. Well then, please allow me to knit one just for A. Found this awesome hand spun and made this.

New blog for me :)

Where I get to post whatever I want whenever I want and those with hurt feelings can get bent.